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Like A Paradise
Good morning.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010 • 5:49 PM • 0 comments

Don’t have any classes this day. NCAE. Nuff said, so I’m not feeling well cause of sore throat. This because of my stupidity or should I say silly head. Ok I have to confess this. I didn’t eat my breakfast last 2 weeks, Tuesday and this is acute Bronchitis. I can’t cough too hard cause it hurts more than heartbreak does. LOL, I don’t want to attend practice later so I”m gonna rest.

xoxo, The Shining Star
I isz so excited for the October shoot and everything that will happen in the sembreak.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 • 4:08 AM • 0 comments

I want to go mall and buy skirts, tops, and accessories. Just a bit of everything. I want to go this Friday or Saturday, We have yaya already so I can go out and do things freely. I will go to my lola's house this Friday. FYI, we doesn't have any classes on that day cause we has a fiesta here. Ok, I'm just so so excited that I almost dream of it every single night. I want to do a lot of things in the sembreak.

  • Go shopping- I isn't a pap's or mom's girl, I'm a lola's girl. I'm not abusing it so I think she'll come with me when I go to mall. :)
  • Sleepover- They are planning to have it on Buddy's house. SO why not. Still thinking if I'll join, If ever that would be my first sleepover on my friend's house.
  • Photoshoot- I just had to. I love to do this thing. This is passion for arts and photography. 
  • And everything that should happen-  Whatever at this. :P
 Goodluck Dorothy :)

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xoxo, The Shining Star
I isn't pretty at all.
• 2:23 AM • 0 comments

Unlike those girls who looks pretty with or without make-up. I has to wear this thing called "smile" to look nice. This smile isn't expensive, this isn't bought by money. Tjis is something that comes from my heart, and I'm willing to show it to everyone. But why does others have to think I do this beacuse i'm fake or what. They don't know is that I have my fake and real smile, but I don't have any classifiacation, `cause I is real. I'm sorry for giving you a fake smile, but that kind of smile isn't my way of being pretty. A smile that comes from my heart is my way of being pretty. Smiling isn't always for the joy, they're sometimes shown to hide the true emotions. I tried smiling for a thousand times and I can't remember those people who I have shown a fake smile, but it doesn't matter anymore. I'm REAL and so TRUE.

xoxo, The Shining Star
I've been idle for a long time.
Saturday, September 18, 2010 • 3:20 AM • 0 comments

Hi. I haven't posted anything since last Sunday here. So I should tell what happened to me for the past  6 days. :)

  • Monday- First day of the week. Nothing special happened. This will be as usual. LOL. And I had my period. This is kinda embarrassing. not at all.
  • Tuesday- I was chosen to be one of the representative for the Photo Collage Making. I insist myself in the position though.
  • Wednesday- `Twas the collage making day and it rained so hard at the afternoon. We finished the collage at around 3:10. Cause Aunard wants to go swimming and we need to finish the collage earlier before 2:00. That's his command. So I and Isay had a hard time spending the 50 mins. before we can go out the school. Because we still don't have any club until now. Our club was dissolved. *hearbreaks*
  • Thursday- I can't remember something special happened this day. But this day, I have to prepare for my report on Friday on Bio. I'm so so nervous. I don't even know why.
  • Friday- This is the last day of weekday but not the last day of school. Because we have a school program tomorrow. So it was my report day. And I'm so so glad that I had that report a successful one.
  • Saturday- We didn't won the Collage but it's ok. We played Pinoy Henyo and Pinoy Brainless our version while waiting until 12:00 to go home. And until now I'm using the laptop for some pointless reasons. 
I had this week not so memorable. Cause if this is memorable I would haven't forget what happened every single day. But I think i'll have a good weekend finale. Cause our old yaya will go back again. SO Cheeeeersss. That is a hurray. :)

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    xoxo, The Shining Star
    I don't have my finish line.
    Sunday, September 12, 2010 • 2:41 AM • 0 comments

    • I need to be a model- I could be your model even just for a day. 
    • I need to act in a theater- Just want to show how my feelings go. I want to memorize some lines that will come out from my mouth with emotions.
    • I need to be a photographer- I think this is the opposite of being a model.
    • I need to be a writer- I want to be the girl who is talked about for making others cry. I want to be a hero. Or write some stories that has happy endings.
    • I need to be loved- `Nuff said. I just need this.
    I need to achieve all of these. In the near future. Help me God.

    xoxo, The Shining Star
    We'll do thing better. It's never too late.
    • 2:16 AM • 0 comments

    I'll catch up this quarter. I swear. `Cause it feels it's my last days in this school or something it's going to be farewell for everything. I don't know, But I want to have these coming months treasured and i'll enjoy it. Of Course this would be something I have to take serious. Ok. I'm just being optimistic. :)

    xoxo, The Shining Star
    Had this special conversation with my Buddy.
    • 1:48 AM • 0 comments

    She was my classmate way back last year, now she's my buddy. Thea and I could have something to talk to for hours. Yeah, we understand each other. Saturday night and it feels like this is the end of weekend. Called her after we had our conversation on facebook. I have a lot to say to her, well I've been keeping some sentiments since last week, and I should speak this out to her. We talk about our grades, and I like it cause she didn't give me a reason to be depressed towards the outcome of my grades. She made me feel like everything is okayy, others don't do that. I love her 2175878452705623 times. Cause finally, I saw my future love's facebook account, aye. She ask a student from MCS and then *tada*, I had his account in a snap. Buddy I really love you. And we talk about our life. Buddy and I are kinda down. Because of some unnecessary persons. They become so unkind to us, but revenge is sweet. We smiled and laughed at what they did to us. My friend's relationship status is kinda annoying me, that's her ex. I told buddy I don't like the girl and she told me to stop being too bitter about them. She was laughing at me while I'm so cranky with it. Well she's not affected, so why should I? It's already 10:12pm. She told me she was already sleepy. So she was trying to end the conversation, I told her to pray for me. Then I said  goodnight and put down the phone. I thank her before the conversation was ended. Buddy, Thanks for the time :)

    xoxo, The Shining Star


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