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Like A Paradise
I isn't pretty at all.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 • 2:23 AM • 0 comments

Unlike those girls who looks pretty with or without make-up. I has to wear this thing called "smile" to look nice. This smile isn't expensive, this isn't bought by money. Tjis is something that comes from my heart, and I'm willing to show it to everyone. But why does others have to think I do this beacuse i'm fake or what. They don't know is that I have my fake and real smile, but I don't have any classifiacation, `cause I is real. I'm sorry for giving you a fake smile, but that kind of smile isn't my way of being pretty. A smile that comes from my heart is my way of being pretty. Smiling isn't always for the joy, they're sometimes shown to hide the true emotions. I tried smiling for a thousand times and I can't remember those people who I have shown a fake smile, but it doesn't matter anymore. I'm REAL and so TRUE.

xoxo, The Shining Star


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