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Like A Paradise
Had this special conversation with my Buddy.
Sunday, September 12, 2010 • 1:48 AM • 0 comments

She was my classmate way back last year, now she's my buddy. Thea and I could have something to talk to for hours. Yeah, we understand each other. Saturday night and it feels like this is the end of weekend. Called her after we had our conversation on facebook. I have a lot to say to her, well I've been keeping some sentiments since last week, and I should speak this out to her. We talk about our grades, and I like it cause she didn't give me a reason to be depressed towards the outcome of my grades. She made me feel like everything is okayy, others don't do that. I love her 2175878452705623 times. Cause finally, I saw my future love's facebook account, aye. She ask a student from MCS and then *tada*, I had his account in a snap. Buddy I really love you. And we talk about our life. Buddy and I are kinda down. Because of some unnecessary persons. They become so unkind to us, but revenge is sweet. We smiled and laughed at what they did to us. My friend's relationship status is kinda annoying me, that's her ex. I told buddy I don't like the girl and she told me to stop being too bitter about them. She was laughing at me while I'm so cranky with it. Well she's not affected, so why should I? It's already 10:12pm. She told me she was already sleepy. So she was trying to end the conversation, I told her to pray for me. Then I said  goodnight and put down the phone. I thank her before the conversation was ended. Buddy, Thanks for the time :)

xoxo, The Shining Star


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